
Welcome to the Lesmurdie Senior High School Alumni.

This LSHS Alumni is a new initiative in 2024, and aims to connect past students with the school and provide opportunities to share life experiences and opportunities.  We thank you for registering.  Around 150 former staff and students have already joined, and we look forward to this number growing.  Please spread the word to former classmates and encourage them to register.

Lesmurdie Senior High School was established in 1981 and our ‘oldest’ registered alumni is from the Class of 1986 and our youngest, from the Class of 2023 .   The community spirit that created LSHS is still the same and we welcome the establishment of this group and the wonderful opportunity to create new partnerships and to share expertise it brings.

This is a wonderful opportunity for alumni members and the school.  There are opportunities for:

  • student/staff mentoring
  • undertaking research
  • donations of time and equipment
  • financial assistance
  • recruitment
  • provide expertise in curriculum and other
  • student internships or employment
  • global reach.

We would love to reach out to you in the future and hope that you might be available to offer assistance.  You are also very welcome to contact the school with opportunities for our students.

We welcome this new partnership with you and look forward to developing an ongoing relationship for improve our student experiences.

To keep up to date with what is happening at LSHS, please follow our Facebook page

To join, please complete our Alumni Registration Form below

Tell us your story

We are very proud of our past students and love hearing of their adventures and successes.

If you would like to share your post school success please contact the school via

Acknowledgement of Country

I respectfully acknowledge the past and present traditional custodians of this land on which we are meeting, the Beelu people. It is a privilege to be standing on Beelu country. I also acknowledge the contributions of Aboriginal Australians and non-Aboriginal Australians to the education of all children and people in this country we all live in and share together – Australia.