Lesmurdie Senior High School’s Parents & Citizens Association is one of 630 associations established under the School Education Act 1999. The Associations were established to support a strong government school system for the benefit of the students.

Membership of the school based organisation consists of parents, some staff and interested community members.  All parents and carers are invited to join the Lesmurdie Senior High School P&C.

If you are interested in joining, all meetings are held on Monday evenings in Weeks 4 and 8 each term at 6.45pm in the Board Room. For more information about joining the P&C, please email Pam Rushton, President LSHS P&C at parent_citizenLSHS@outlook.com.

Parent & Citizens (P&C) Association Membership – per family – $25.00

The P&C does not fundraise and earnestly seeks your continued support by appealing to parents/carers for a contribution of $25.00 per family. This amount appears on the school charges and contributions sheet for all students but will be deducted accordingly if you have more than one child at the school.

Please refer to the school calendar and our Facebook page to check for updates.

2024 Office Bearers

President: Pam Rushton

Vice President: Hannah Vallance

Treasurer: Vanita Kashyap

Secretary: Stacey Raiarta

Executive Committee

Stacey Verco

Kirsten Williams

Rachel Boyes

Canteen Manager

Felicity Brodie

2024 meetings

Term 1

Week 8 – Monday 18th March 6.45pm (AGM) – School Staffroom

Term 2

Week 4 Monday 6th May (online)

Week 9 Monday 10 June (online)

Term 3

Week 4 Monday 5th August (online)

Week 8 Monday 2nd September (online)

Term 4

Week 4 Monday 28th October – School Staffroom

Week 8 Monday 25th November – School Staffroom

Audit Reports

P&C Minutes

Acknowledgement of Country

I respectfully acknowledge the past and present traditional custodians of this land on which we are meeting, the Beelu people. It is a privilege to be standing on Beelu country. I also acknowledge the contributions of Aboriginal Australians and non-Aboriginal Australians to the education of all children and people in this country we all live in and share together – Australia.