Teaching & Learning

At Lesmurdie Senior High School, Teaching and Learning must be:

  • Relevant and Meaningful
    The teaching and learning process is most effective when it is applicable to the real world, and prepares individuals for life at and beyond school
  • Respectful
    The teaching and learning environment is most effective when all stakeholders accept responsibility for their own actions and progress, and consequently are courteous, cooperative and non-threatening in their relationships with others
  • Engaging
    The teaching and learning process is most effective when all stakeholders interact and learn from one another. The technologies and instructional practices must be appropriate for the learners’ level of prior knowledge, cognitive abilities, and their learning and thinking strategies
  • Organised and Safe
    The teaching and learning environment is most effective when all stakeholders have developed and established a structured and trustful learning environment. The sharing of ideas and active participation in the learning process creates the learning community.
Academic Program (L.E.A.P)
Subject and Course Offerings
School Clubs

Acknowledgement of Country

I respectfully acknowledge the past and present traditional custodians of this land on which we are meeting, the Beelu people. It is a privilege to be standing on Beelu country. I also acknowledge the contributions of Aboriginal Australians and non-Aboriginal Australians to the education of all children and people in this country we all live in and share together – Australia.